Saturday, April 22, 2017


(April 20, 1999)

On Tuesday April 20th 1999 at 11:19 am gunshots rang out in the halls of Columbine High school in Littleton, Colorado, in what became one of the most heinous tragedies in U.S. history. Little did we know that it was just the beginning of what now, just 15 short years later, has become almost a routine daily event in our country!
Within 24 hours the above question had probably been asked at least a billion times around the world. The next day, on Wednesday evening in The Crossroads Church in Wheat ridge, Colorado where I had been a member for about 10 years, God answered that question for me. This Church was one of Denver’s larger mega churches, but the Wednesday evening services typically only held about a tenth of the usual Sunday audience. On this occasion it was filled to standing room only capacity, and 90% of those in attendance were high school students! A very moving experience indeed, and even more so, realizing  that events like this were taking place all over the city, and probably around the country! Our pastor was out of the country on vacation at the time so an associate pastor was left with the task of trying to comfort thousands of distraught, broken-hearted, and confused teenagers! Obviously a task that only God Himself has the Power to accomplish, and He did! And in the process He answered my question in a loud and clear and unquestionable way! After a brief message by the pastor, an Alter call was given and ALL went forward! Thousands of teenagers made a commitment to Christ in the wake of this great tragedy! While satan took a few innocent lives, God saved thousands!

While this Truth has had a major impact on my Faith over the past 15 years, as I’ve grown and matured in Christ, I’ve noticed an alarming and overwhelming increase in the occurrences of such heinous crime and violence, and every type of sinful behavior known to man! 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017




Crime and violence, homelessness, poverty, welfare, unemployment, divorce and broken homes, child abuse, and the despair of the dark culture that surrounds us, can almost always be linked to the same common denominator; drug and alcohol addictions, or drunkenness! There is no justifiable reason or excuse for it if compassionate, caring Christians would join together in a common cause to end this blight that’s taking over our communities. Please help us make a difference in the lives of these lost souls who are slowly slipping away into hell! One step, and one drink and overdose at a time! Together, we can make a difference by saving one life at a time!


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Matthew 4:19 (KJV)

And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Any avid fisherman knows it takes skill and patience to catch fish. One must know the habits of the fish, and the waters in which they reside, as well as the bait and lures that attract them. It is no different when fishing for men. Most fish are starved and will bite at anything that moves! But most men are anything but starved! Most men are stuffed full of sin, lies, and false teachings they’ve been listening to all their lives! Alcoholics and addicts have been using drugs and alcohol most of their lives to escape, reject, and hide from God’s Truth, making it extremely difficult to convince them that God’s Word says that He and His Son, Jesus Christ, are the only Hope and the only Way to Salvation and sobriety! Fulfilling the message of Matthew 28:19-20, and sharing the message of John 3:16 to alcoholics and addicts, whether in the streets, or in an AA meeting where Jesus is rejected, can be an uphill challenge! It takes a great deal of patience to convince recovering alcoholics and addicts that Jesus Christ is the only God who can answer prayers and transform the lives of sinners, alcoholics, and addicts!  
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV} Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Romans 8:25 (KJV)  But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.